Procrastination is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes we delay things when there are important decisions to be made and the need to weigh the pros and cons may require time to do so. Also, it's never wise to rush into certain situations without doing some intense research or investigation before moving forward.
However, more than likely, the cause of procrastination stems from sheer laziness or a carefree or perhaps even a careless attitude towards life situations. In my case, this was the reason for the delay in beginning this blog.
Sure, I've done blogs before and found myself becoming bored because of the lack of content and topical information, or the lack of commitment and dedication. I have found that, during seasons of my life, I'll begin with gusto and then simmer somewhere along the way to a complete lukewarm state of mind. Enthusiasm wanes and yet another potential dream is slid under many a carpet.
Well, as I've heard it said, where there's life or breath, there's hope... and there's also another opportunity for a do-over. So, here we are. Another website is established... another blog is initiated.... but this time I won't place too much stress and anxiety on myself but instead take it one day at a time.
No high expectations. No apprehension. No hesitation. I'll simply just choose a go-with-the-flow motion into whatever it is that each day presents.
So, here I go again. Challenge accepted, Blog. I can do this! I will do this! Let the adventure begin! The time is now!