A recent health scare, experienced by a close relative, motivated me to write this article. It’s an important message that I am preaching to myself.
Is it any wonder why the medical and pharmaceutical industries seem to be thriving in wealth while their targeted group of unwell patients continue to endanger their health? Is it alarming that the body weight and size of the population is statistically increasing in popularity? Expansive waist lines and thunder thighs are regularly seen in communities within our nation. And yet, it appears that this overlooked issue seems to be accepted or somehow considered to be normal. We’ll make excuses for, and embrace this aberration, by encasing and concealing it with appealing fashion wear, while our insides are groaning and reeling for a radical healing.
These earthly vehicles in which we live aren’t maintained as much as our mechanical modes of transportation are.
We clog our lines with unhealthy oils and chemicals that deeply affect our ability to perform at our optimum best. We allow our internal engines to suffer when we refuse to have regular check-ups. We forget to boost our intake valves with immunity doses of vitamins. We go for miles enduring stressful road conditions, traveling through bumpy circumstances and rough situational terrain without pausing to refresh and replenish our energy supply. Eventually it all takes a toll on our outer chassis, our physical body. We develop lumps and plumps, streaks and creaks, stains and pains, that can ultimately reveal a dour appearance.
If we could truly see ourselves as a vessel that’s temporarily here on this planet for a season and a purpose, would we not want to honor our Creator by investing in those vessels wisely? Would we not be responsible stewards of what we’ve been given? Wouldn’t we treat ourselves better if we knew the level and amount of production we could amass?
Instead of clamoring for the multiple unhealthy items that bombard us on a daily basis, shouldn’t we try to discover what fuel our earthly vehicles require that will help them to achieve their full potential? Cars need gas to propel themselves and yet, different grades of fuel produce different outcomes. Regular, mid grade and premium options are available and the choices made by consumers depend upon their affordability as well as their efficiency.
In much the same way, our bodies and what we see their value as, will be dependent on how we choose to treat them.
Investing in quality products will result in better efficiency, greater productivity and more likely an extended life of service. Proper maintenance and regular check-ups will ensure that these vessels of ours will endure life’s rigorous journey. If we utilize the Manufacturer’s Manual, which applies to every model and brand that’s uniquely designed and specifically created, we’d realize just how much of an importance and significance there is if dutifully read and wisely followed.
So, get a tune-up periodically if you must and slap on some paint to enhance the exterior finish as you wish. Clean the valves and pipes and irrigate the lines and internal parts. Then put your system in gear at full throttle and make your life trip an enjoyable one, not by always depressing the pedal but by pausing to take a break, or brake, along the way. And don’t forget to shift it in park for moments of rest and refreshment.
Final point:
A healthy balance with complete alignment is the ideal condition for your earthly vehicle’s total fulfillment.