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Writer's pictureMichelle A. James

Getting To Know Me....

Since my early childhood years growing up in Jamaica, I was always an avid reader. I would primarily read romance and mystery novels which piqued and held my interest, so much so that when I'd indulge in them rather than being attentive in my high school classes, I'd be caught by my teachers who offered me evenings of detention.

The reading adventure later continued throughout my college years where my thirst for knowledge became unquenchable. I would thumb through endless pages of various magazines and publications: science, business, home and garden and religion... just to name a few. It was then that I realized the knack I had for writing poetry.

Now, instead of keeping my thoughts on paper to myself, I felt the need to share them with the world. In my words: "One never knows whether or not this seed of mine that is being sown, will fall on the soil of another person's heart, to burst forth roots of encouragement, produce fruit of inspiration, or bloom flowers of blessing."

The foundational basis of the majority of the poems I write stems from my Christian faith. Themes I cover include: Christian life, love/romance, world conditions, holidays and special events.

My previous publications include: "A Black Sheep in the Fold" (a short story fiction), "Writes Of Passage," "Write from the Heart" and "Poetic Verses" (poetry works) as well as a children's book, "Lily's Lab Lesson." All are available for purchase online.

I will be pursuing future projects that are geared to encourage and motivate children, as well as venturing into the greeting card and promotional marketing industries.

My hope, with God's help, is to continue to shine this little light of mine which He, in His grace, has given to me, in this dark and dying world. Whatever the impact, I pray that, as He has been a blessing to me, I will pass the baton throughout this Life Race and be a blessing to others as well.

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